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2022 Notice of Elections

A Nominating Committee has been appointed by Board Chair Jean Swift to provide nominations for the annual election of the Board of Directors. The committee consists of Directors/Co-chairs Nancy Bulkeley, Selma Ward and Director Jean Swift.

In accordance with the bylaw provisions for the election of director’s additional nominees for a director position may be submitted by petition when signed by one percent (1%) of CorePlus members (273 signatures based on a CorePlus membership of 27,343 as of the last day of September 2021). Such petitions must be accompanied by a signed certificate (letter) from the nominee(s) stating that they are agreeable to nomination and will serve if elected to office.

Completed petitions must be sent to: Ms. Nancy Bulkeley, Vice Chair, CorePlus Federal Credit Union, 202 Salem Turnpike, Norwich, CT 06360, and must be received by the director no later than March 16, 2021.